Monday, April 04, 2005

Los Angeles Zoo

The Los Angeles Zoo is undergoing major renovations to three different exhibits. The many detours made navigating around the zoo difficult for the uninformed visitors. Karan and I backtracked far to many times up and down hills trying to find the exhibits we wanted to see. We did not see the Gorillas because their exhibit is one the areas under construction. The flora in the zoo was wonderful.

Many of the bird exhibits were not large enough to allow them to fly around other than from branch to branch. The World of Birds exhibit is very nice and demonstrated the abilities of many of the bird species.

We did not see the Pandolin because we were in a different area of the zoo during its feeding times. Other than feeding times the Pandolin is not available for viewing. Another interesting species is the Babirusa (Babyrousa Babyrussa Celebensis).


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